It’s no secret that big data and analytics is king in marketing. Gone are the days of guessing where your customers found you, what their average purchase was or what they think about your business. Tracking your various advertising channels, digital activity and conversations about your business is easier than ever. Here are the top five marketing analytics you should be tracking.

Website Traffic

Website data can give you a gold mine of information on the activity about visitors to your website and where they’re coming from. Tracking data on your website can give you really valuable insights into what visitors are looking for and where they’re coming from. You can also tell you what time of day they’re visiting your site, what pages they’re viewing and which websites are referring traffic.

Social Media Metrics

The Internet is the world’s largest cocktail party. Millions of conversations are happening on social media everyday – do you know what’s being said about your brand? By tracking post engagements, shares, reviews and comments, you can easily tell what content is hitting a sweet (or sour) spot with your audiences.

Email Marketing Statistics

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing isn’t dead at all. It’s actually one of the most utilized platforms (including social media!). By tracking your email open rates, unsubscribes, and click-through rates, to name a few, you can find what promotions, content, and sources of information are the most interesting to your audiences.

Online Transactions

Online shopping has reached a fever pitch. By monitoring daily, weekly, and monthly transactions, you can discover your best-selling products and services or which promotions were a hit or a miss with your customers. You can also get a good idea of which advertising tactics were the most effective and converted traffic into sales.

Review Site Ratings

Never underestimate the value of a review, as it can make or break your business. Sites like Facebook, Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor can offer valuable information and recommendations as to whether or not they should do business with you. By keeping regular eye out on these reviews, comments and conversations you can head off or resolve any negative or incorrect issues that might scare future customers away. Or you can give a friendly shout out to those who sang your praises!


Monitoring your business online has never been more important. With all the many tools that are accessible to businesses, you have everything you need to keep your an ear to the ground and your customers happy. If you’re new to marketing analytics and don’t know where to start, contact Paperkite and our digital team will come to the rescue!